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Aperghis, Georges Rasch (2001)


Aperghis, Georges Selections from Retrouvailles (2010)


Bach, J.S. Two Part Inventions for Violin and Viola (1720)


Bryan, Courtney And What I Mean is This* (2018)


Chen, Carolyn My Loves are in America^ (2019)


DePinna, Nick Voyagers* (2016)​


Deyoe, Nicholas 1560* (2016)


Evans, Matt sundogs for two violins and two violas^ (2019)


Gibson, Sarah Tiny, Tangled World* (2018)


Iannotta, Clara Limun (2011)


Isaacson, Kurt nascent species* (2016)


Ivers, John one-way, two-trace* (2019)


Kim, Pauline Moon Units* (2020)


Kotcheff, Thomas Obbligato String Music No 1: Allegretto in G Minor* (2023)


Lefkowitz, David S. Jellyfish* (2022)


Marino, Jessie Murder Ballads Volume 1: Sister Sister* (2023)


Marino, Jessie Rot Blau (2009)


Martinu, Bohuslav Three Madrigals (1947)


McIntosh, Andrew Transgressions^ (2018/19)


Meites, Noah Water and Power* (2016)


Mozart, W.A. Duo in G Major k. 423 (1783)


Mozart, W.A. Duo in B Flat Major k. 424 (1783)


Nelson, Jordan As They Say (2013)


Oba, Hitomi Sasragawa* (2017)


Rhie, Kay In Spatium* (2022)


Rogers, Erin Travelogue* (2018)


Rountree, Christopher We Are the Branch*  (2016)


Sciarrino, Salvatore La Malinconia (1981)


Temple, Alex Viola Joke (2013/14)


Tholl, Andrew hold still while the world turns* (2017)


Thomas, Augusta Read Rumi Settings (2001)


Thomas, Augusta Read Silent Moon (2011)


Tsadka, Ma’ayan Partial Patterns* (2017)


Tywoniuk, Derek Bluets* (2017)


Vega, Erika The Love Song* (2019)


Wolff, Christian Three Pieces (1979-81)


*commissioned by Aperture Duo

^co-commissioned by Aperture Duo + andPlay


Upcoming Commissions

Steven Swartz

Jessie Cox


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